Skip the Waiting Room is the best way to find walk in clinics in your area.
We have up to date schedules, contact information, and let you book appointments online.

Step One - Choose a Walk in Clinic

Step One

Choose a walk in clinic provider that offers online registration and book your appointment.

Step Two - Wait to be Contacted

Step Two

Skip the Waiting Room determines the appropriate time for you to leave and sends you a phone call or text message.

Step Three - Arrive at the Clinic and Relax!

Step Three

Arrive at the clinic, check-in and relax. Our goal is to have you in front of the doctor shortly after you arrive.

How Online Booking Works

Upcoming Clinics

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  • Online Booking Enabled
  • Online Booking Active

Services Offered

General Health Care

About the Health Plus Medical

Health plus medical is a family practice/walk-in that has been providing primary health care to individuals and families in midnapore and surrounding areas since 2006. After an extended closure under a new management team, we have reinvented ourselves by building a modern facility with integrated allied medical services to provide exceptional health care to you and your families. We offer Women’s health, Minor surgery,urgent care,physiotherapy and pain management services. Please see our Services page for more information. All walk-in patients are welcome or simply book your appointment online .
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Health Plus Medical